Stink bugs are little, shield-shaped insects that can reach up to 2 cm in length. Adult stink bugs are typically green or brown in color, but they are not well-known for their appearance. When threatened or smashed, these bugs produce a foul-smelling pheromone. The brown marmorated stink bug is the most frequent kind seen by householders. The brown marmorated stink bug or BMSB is regarded as an invasive species, or a pest of foreign origin because it was brought to the United States from Eastern Asia in the 1990s.
Both their width and length are almost equal. The mature bugs look much bigger because their legs protrude from their sides. The BMSB antennae have lighter bands, and the wings have darker rings. Stink bugs can fly well as adults, and when they land, they fold their wings over their bodies. A way to recognize adult stink bugs is by their fully formed wings. Nymphs, or immature stink bugs, emerge from their eggs as tiny insects. The BMSB's nymphs are colored yellow and red. The yellow turns to white as they mature. The nymphs go through five skin changes, and it becomes bigger each time.
Stink bugs may take over a house if they get indoors. In the late fall, before significant weather changes, stink bugs often look for hibernating shelters. When they initially enter a building, they can occasionally be spotted around windows or entrances. They will spend the winter hidden inside the walls, attics, or crawl spaces of a structure. Stink bugs are frequently seen indoors, especially in the living room. The first indication of an infestation is the discovery of large groups of stink bugs, either alive or dead. The heaps are often seen in sunny locations where the stink bugs have emerged to warm themselves, but it is possible that other stink bugs are concealing themselves within your home.
Stink bugs are also drawn to light and will enter your home. You should use shades to block off any light from inside the house and minimize the amount of outdoor illumination to avoid this. Stink bugs are rather prevalent, especially in the fall. Following basic advice and being aware of the things in your home that attract stink bugs will help keep them out. However, if you still see a lot of stink bugs in your house, you may get help from a qualified pest control specialist like Eyring Pest Control.
Stink bugs are invasive pests that can cause major crop damage. Originally from Asia, stink bugs are infamous for consuming crops including soybeans, peaches, almonds, and other fruits and vegetables. There are no native predators to control infestations because these pests were introduced into the country from outside. Because of this, crops have suffered damage costing thousands of dollars from stink bugs.
These pests may swiftly destroy small plants in addition to being a problem for agricultural producers. If you cultivate any type of product, you run the risk of losing your crop to stink bugs if you don't take prompt action. The presence of numerous stink bugs, either alive or dead, is indicative of an infestation. Stink bugs will appear on the warm sides of houses since that's where they warm up. By the harm an infestation does to a crop, growers frequently identify an infestation. Contact a certified pest control specialist to inspect and assess the extent of the issue and assist in locating the entry sites for this invasive species if there is an infestation within a structure or house.
Stink bugs and other pests shouldn't be unpleasant houseguests in the fall. As the temperatures keep dropping and people start making preparations for the winter, think about pest-proofing your house from the inside and outside. Here are some quick actions homeowners may do right now to prevent the presence of this offensive insect:
Professional treatments are the most effective technique to solve the stink bug problem if you see a lot of them on your property. At Eyring Pest Control, our team of specialists will assist in determining the main issue and the points of entrance that stink bugs exploit. Plus, we have the appropriate pesticides to swiftly solve your stink bug problem. Dial
385-290-9782 right now!
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